Saturday, 9 August 2014

The new zombie generation

Some of us who are older than we want to admit look around at modern youth and marvel at just how effective the social engineering strategies introduced by the 1997 Labour administration have turned out to be.

The process was mostly achieved by infiltrating quangos, education and the civil service  - and the results have changed the face of the nation using these unelected stormtroops, and thus quite difficult to displace, as the Coalition quickly found out.

Like it or not, a lot of this was the result of the Common Purpose organisation's tireless effort to brainwash over promoted civil servants and give them a sense of their own self-importance as warriors in the struggle towards what they pompously pretended was a fairer and more tolerant society. But all the measures show Labour left society more unequal than ever, as long standing tools of social mobility like Grammar Schools were hacked away - and smothered by more petty laws controlling every aspect of existence.

The worst legacy of the lot is an over abundance of public servants whose sense of entitlement to 6 figure salaries is quite staggering - the poster girl for which is probably Sharon Shoesmith; and whose brain-washed stewardship of the nanny state is exemplified in endless specious "green" laws and new powers to harass the public at every step of their existence.

Oh for a time machine to go back and sort it all out.

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