They're out to get you...
Many of the once basic "growing up skills" - a grasp of common sense, an appreciation of personal responsibility, a sense of adventure and risk taking - have been replaced in the ZG by carefully implanted conditioned reflexes, brought about by the many unholy alliances between Big Government and Big Business, to serve their interests at the expense of the constant erosion of individual freedoms.
This brave new world of "Nanny State meets Nanny Business" is effectively crystallised within the ethos of an organisation called Common Purpose. Although disguised in various ways to seem less threatening, Common Purpose is the embodiment of Political Correctness incarnate - it has created an ethos of "conform, or risk being ostracised". Many "traditional" majority views are constantly challenged and dismissed as "populist", and the CP ethos is based around the "progressive" presumptions that have allowed cabals of vociferous minorities to deflect attention from key mainstream matters, and dictate the social agenda to the majority. Any specious lip service paid to "tolerance" has become sacrosanct and dare not be challenged or quesioned. But this seems to be more about intolerance than anything, it is about hijacking and shifting the tolerant moral middle ground of society, to enable control by skilled manipulators at the extremes.
As Edmund Burke observed: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Whereas debates about cockup v. sedition conspiracies always used to assume cockup prevailed, modern communications have changed the rules, and it is a lot more probable that conspiracy is now a credible factor. The Bilderberg organisation is widely reputed to be part of a high level conspiracy to re-engineer society to make it simpler for Big Government and globalised organisations to manipulate and control, and there is plenty of evidence online that is worthy of further study before being dismissed as fringe lunacy. Sure there are a number of loose canons involved who may border on paranoid, but that should not be allowed to distract from the inescapable fact that Bilderberg is a secret club for the world's wealthiest businesses, individuals and most discredited bankers. Remember that Savill, Harris & Co. successfully hid in plain view for 30 years with the assistance of the BBC.
A rather more mundane example is that the Big Brother conditioning of the Zombie Generation (ZG) has lead to the meek acceptance of all manner of apparently simple impositions that the grumpies rightly regard as abominations - such as the meek acceptance of 24 month phone contracts paid by direct debit.
Getting shaken down at any transport hub, thanks to Blair's desire to crusade in the Middle East with Bush, is part of a total submission to men and women in peaked caps who are (well) paid to guard us from the many consequences of various Western follies. The fact that the odds of death by terrorist is somewhat lower than death by choking on a hobnob, is neither here nor there.
There is now a conditioned/resigned expectation in the ZG that attempts to contact any large business for all but the most mundane matters will be thwarted by call centres, manned by people who barely speak English. But it wasn't always like this. Once upon a time you got to speak to people who could a) speak English b) deal directly with your questions.
So why not just stop supporting companies that grow fat by exporting UK jobs overseas - and support businesses that use exclusively UK based staff? The people who gain most by continued compliance with the globalisation agenda and tactics are not the (working, indigenous) people of the UK.
It used to be that way, and it could still be that way if enough people raised hell, and refused to be assimilated into the new hives of globalised business and politics.
Another mundane but telling issue: the ZG meekly accepts that a phone they leased/bought for £500 (but cost <£100 to make) is worthless after 18-24 months, and needs replacing. And thus the ZG offers itself for sacrifice on the altar of Vodafone and the rest for the bi-annual ritual of largely pointless upgrades. Much to the delight of the pushers of these shiny things that have become the fulcrum of so many modern ZG lifestyles... and the means by which "Government" now knows where you are and who you are communicating with. But hell, what have you got to hide..?
As Edmund Burke observed: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Many of the once basic "growing up skills" - a grasp of common sense, an appreciation of personal responsibility, a sense of adventure and risk taking - have been replaced in the ZG by carefully implanted conditioned reflexes, brought about by the many unholy alliances between Big Government and Big Business, to serve their interests at the expense of the constant erosion of individual freedoms.
This brave new world of "Nanny State meets Nanny Business" is effectively crystallised within the ethos of an organisation called Common Purpose. Although disguised in various ways to seem less threatening, Common Purpose is the embodiment of Political Correctness incarnate - it has created an ethos of "conform, or risk being ostracised". Many "traditional" majority views are constantly challenged and dismissed as "populist", and the CP ethos is based around the "progressive" presumptions that have allowed cabals of vociferous minorities to deflect attention from key mainstream matters, and dictate the social agenda to the majority. Any specious lip service paid to "tolerance" has become sacrosanct and dare not be challenged or quesioned. But this seems to be more about intolerance than anything, it is about hijacking and shifting the tolerant moral middle ground of society, to enable control by skilled manipulators at the extremes.
As Edmund Burke observed: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Whereas debates about cockup v. sedition conspiracies always used to assume cockup prevailed, modern communications have changed the rules, and it is a lot more probable that conspiracy is now a credible factor. The Bilderberg organisation is widely reputed to be part of a high level conspiracy to re-engineer society to make it simpler for Big Government and globalised organisations to manipulate and control, and there is plenty of evidence online that is worthy of further study before being dismissed as fringe lunacy. Sure there are a number of loose canons involved who may border on paranoid, but that should not be allowed to distract from the inescapable fact that Bilderberg is a secret club for the world's wealthiest businesses, individuals and most discredited bankers. Remember that Savill, Harris & Co. successfully hid in plain view for 30 years with the assistance of the BBC.
A rather more mundane example is that the Big Brother conditioning of the Zombie Generation (ZG) has lead to the meek acceptance of all manner of apparently simple impositions that the grumpies rightly regard as abominations - such as the meek acceptance of 24 month phone contracts paid by direct debit.
Getting shaken down at any transport hub, thanks to Blair's desire to crusade in the Middle East with Bush, is part of a total submission to men and women in peaked caps who are (well) paid to guard us from the many consequences of various Western follies. The fact that the odds of death by terrorist is somewhat lower than death by choking on a hobnob, is neither here nor there.
There is now a conditioned/resigned expectation in the ZG that attempts to contact any large business for all but the most mundane matters will be thwarted by call centres, manned by people who barely speak English. But it wasn't always like this. Once upon a time you got to speak to people who could a) speak English b) deal directly with your questions.
So why not just stop supporting companies that grow fat by exporting UK jobs overseas - and support businesses that use exclusively UK based staff? The people who gain most by continued compliance with the globalisation agenda and tactics are not the (working, indigenous) people of the UK.
It used to be that way, and it could still be that way if enough people raised hell, and refused to be assimilated into the new hives of globalised business and politics.
Another mundane but telling issue: the ZG meekly accepts that a phone they leased/bought for £500 (but cost <£100 to make) is worthless after 18-24 months, and needs replacing. And thus the ZG offers itself for sacrifice on the altar of Vodafone and the rest for the bi-annual ritual of largely pointless upgrades. Much to the delight of the pushers of these shiny things that have become the fulcrum of so many modern ZG lifestyles... and the means by which "Government" now knows where you are and who you are communicating with. But hell, what have you got to hide..?
As Edmund Burke observed: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."