Lord Sugar's questioning of Ken Livingstone as London Mayor candidate is one of the first rays of light in Labour's hitherto solid brotherhood of tribal stupidity that used to mean a monkey with a red rosette would be elected in a safe Labour seat.
The Tories have tended to have a rather less regimented and more pragmatic approach to solidarity, and differences are far more frequent and turbulent in the ranks of the party - both in Westminster and the country. The already riven LibDems don't appear to have any coherent ideas, other than to cling to their rare power opportunity for dear life, and thus there are no proper views which even they could effectively divide.
The kiddie media of course eagerly jumps on any opportunity to be divisive without any analysis of the subject, or respect for people who put principles before dogma. So the BBC-Guardian cannot resist it's tribally socialist foundations, and move onto the grown-up debate that ought to be raging now around the intensely meritocratic, practical and realistic UKIP, who have overtaken the otherworldly and increasingly irrelevant LibDems in opinion polls.
It is a shame UKIP haven't changed the ever-so-slightly bonkers and blimpish name to take advantage of their 11% poll ratings and lure in even more Tories who are giving up on Gideon and Dave. What price PR now, Cleggy & Co? I know, we'll have an elected House of Lords! There's nothing else more urgent on the national agenda, is there?
Let's hope that Lord Sugar "considers his position" and decides it's time to move his considerable influence to the cross benches, and from there back one of the growing range of non-aligned common sense alternatives being proposed in the wake of the online media revolution, and the new opportunities this presents.
Now then, how about the first (and best) of the Apprentices - Tim Campbell - for Mayor in 2017?

No newts is good newts.
The Tories have tended to have a rather less regimented and more pragmatic approach to solidarity, and differences are far more frequent and turbulent in the ranks of the party - both in Westminster and the country. The already riven LibDems don't appear to have any coherent ideas, other than to cling to their rare power opportunity for dear life, and thus there are no proper views which even they could effectively divide.
The kiddie media of course eagerly jumps on any opportunity to be divisive without any analysis of the subject, or respect for people who put principles before dogma. So the BBC-Guardian cannot resist it's tribally socialist foundations, and move onto the grown-up debate that ought to be raging now around the intensely meritocratic, practical and realistic UKIP, who have overtaken the otherworldly and increasingly irrelevant LibDems in opinion polls.
It is a shame UKIP haven't changed the ever-so-slightly bonkers and blimpish name to take advantage of their 11% poll ratings and lure in even more Tories who are giving up on Gideon and Dave. What price PR now, Cleggy & Co? I know, we'll have an elected House of Lords! There's nothing else more urgent on the national agenda, is there?
Let's hope that Lord Sugar "considers his position" and decides it's time to move his considerable influence to the cross benches, and from there back one of the growing range of non-aligned common sense alternatives being proposed in the wake of the online media revolution, and the new opportunities this presents.
Now then, how about the first (and best) of the Apprentices - Tim Campbell - for Mayor in 2017?
No newts is good newts.
Good luck Bill, I wondered when you might properly "come out" and put your name on one of your excellent postings.